Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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12 March, 2006

To Bond or not to Bond

Well, there's a brewing controversy about the "new" James Bond. Or to be more accurate, the newest actor to play the part of James Bond. The new actor is Daniel Craig, an Englishman. Critics have established a new web site to attack him, among other things, as too blonde.

Ok, I have enjoyed many of the Bond movies, but really only the ones starring Sean Connery (who will forever be James Bond to me).

But can we get at least some perspective here? This is a MOVIE and Craig is an ACTOR. If the movie is good, fine. Go see it. If it is bad, fine. Don't go see it. If you like Craig's performance, fine. If not, fine.

It seems some folks take their Bond addiction very seriously....

But it's just a movie, folks.