Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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12 March, 2006

When the media repeats partisan talking points

Here's a headline:

"Polls: Public Worried About Gov't Secrecy"

The article reports on two recent polls. If you actually bother to read more than just the headline, it strongly contradicts the headline. A solid majority favors some secrecy. And a stunning 73% believe the President should keep some information secret if it will help with the war on terror.

Where's the worry? In the minds of the media that mindlessly repeat the Democratic Party meme about the "secretive" administration. Jerks.

If the reporter was honest, the headline would read "Majority favors some Gov't secrecy". But that would be honest. Can't have that, can we?