Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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07 February, 2006

Disappeared posts

I originally had a post up that addressed this article. It's about a guy who threw a message in a bottle into the Atlantic, only to get back an angry letter from England that accused him of littering.

Cute story, right?

Except the letter was signed by a Henry Bigglesworth. Recognize the name? Mr. Bigglesworth is the name of Dr. Evil's cat in the Austin Powers movies. Odd, isn't it?

Well, I came across this while checking up on the story. I had the idea of searching records myself but didn't find any easy way to do so. It looks like someone did, though.

So, another hoax, probably not perpetrated by the man in the original story.

Read everything with a skeptical eye.