Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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07 February, 2006

Myths, frauds and reporters.....

I just love this stuff.

Today we have another fine example of stupid, lazy or deliberately lying journalism.

This quote from a story on recycling nuclear fuel:

Other experts worry the proposal may simply be using heightened concerns
over nuclear security and weapons of mass destruction as a way to get the US
back into uranium-processing research - research the US gave up decades ago as
uneconomical and dangerous.

Pretty well wraps it up. The United States did not give recycling up because it was either uneconomical or dangerous. We gave it up because Jimmy Carter believed the extraction of Plutonium was a potential proliferation issue. Period. You can look it up yourself on the internet in about two minutes with Google.

Both Japan and France can and do recycle fuel in a closed loop system. The US uses an open loop system for one reason - politics. Recycled fuel components can be used to take up to 30% of the new fuel fabrication.