Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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07 February, 2006

Offensive behavior and how to deal with it

Close on the heels of the Cartoon Wars, we find this article.

Here we have a really twisted group of "Christians" who think that they should picket the funerals of fallen soldiers. Some states want to restrict that.

As much as I think their behavior is wrong, I disagree with restricting them. I will not riot, burn their church or shoot people with no connection to them, though. Is their behavior offensive? Absolutely. Are they causing unnecessary pain to innocent people who are already suffering enough. Yes. Should they be silenced? No. Should their behavior be held up to public ridicule? Hell yes.

The correct response to this outrage is to either counter-demonstrate, picket their churches or even their homes or to try to reason with them.

Now, we all know reasoning will not work.

But somehow they must learn that their behavior is shameful. I suggest a silent vigil. No signs, no shouting, no talking. Just stand. Let the physical, silent presence of reasonable people rebuke them.

If that doesn't work, pickets outside their church and/or homes. Will any of this work? Hell, I don't know if any technique can penetrate the incredible ignorance and complete lack of human empathy these people display. But it is their right to express even the worst opinions. As it is our right to show them we don't approve of their twisted hate.