Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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01 February, 2006

Two lines that say it all

From the State of the Union address:

"Hindsight alone is not wisdom"

"Second-guessing is not a strategy."

The Democratic Party response to the SOTU address, delivered by the Governor of Virginia, Timothy M. Kaine, contained the phrase "There is a better way". This phrase was repeated over and over. But no details of the better way were forthcoming. As usual. But quite a lot of hindsight was applied. As usual.

Look, this is simply a bad strategy. The Democrats keep harping and criticizing but offer no substantive "better way". In other words, their strategy boils down to blame Bush for everything and obstruct any thing they can.

They need to HAVE that "better way" and be able to articulate it. Saying there is a better way, without giving details begins to sound like whistling in the dark....