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22 January, 2006

Equal opportunity scandal

I've posted on this before. I really think it would be wise for the Democrats to back off on the Abramoff scandal before they get caught in their own nets.

A lot of semantic gymnastics on the left will not change the fact that Democrats took tainted money directed to them by Abramoff.

Yes, they did not take direct contributions from him, which is not surprising as he was a Republican backer. But he directed his client tribes as to who to contribute to and how much. Those contributions went to Democrats (including Reid) as well as Republicans.

Worse than the scandal, though, is the left's response as evidenced in the attacks on Deborah Howell for daring to print the truth. Their derangement will lead to damage to their own party and they cannot even see it. Willful blindness will lead to even more erosion of support for the Democrats by moderate voters.

Both parties need to clean up the lobbying mess. But the Dems are, yet again, falling into their self-made trap of grossly over-playing their hand. Led by the extreme left-wing, they are rushing, lemming-like toward another cliff. This issue will burn them again and lead to even more disillusionment among moderates.