Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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20 January, 2006

NSA ruckus

I have had several run-ins in comment sections about the whole NSA flap. For some reason, just because I won't take the word of a discredited source like the NYT, they assume I am a right-winger.

Frankly, the media is absurd lately, as I have pointed out in several entries on this still new blog. They are more and more obvious cheerleaders and shills for the Democrats. This is not to say I am enamored of the Republican party, either. That should be clear by now.

That said, here is the rather large Department of Justice legal justification given to congress. So far I have only skimmed it, but one thing jumps out at me. They continually mention foreign intelligence intercepts. They seem to be drawing a very strict line by saying ones originating from known or suspected terrorists to the US or contacts from the US to those same people.

IF this is a true statement, there would appear to be absolutely no harm whatsoever to the average American and I would not object. This is not unreasonable in time of war. Actually, it's never unreasonable. If you are plotting attacks or even if you know people who are plotting attacks you do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy (my opinion).

At this point, for all the screaming, pimping, posturing and foolishness out there, there appears to be no evidence this program was in any way directed strictly in an internal manner targeting US citizens. None at all. Unless and until there is, then, can we all take a deep breath? The matter is in the courts now. Let's see what comes out.