Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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16 March, 2006

I really hope the dog was just hungry

The San Diego NCAA Tournament Arena was evacuated when a bomb sniffing dog indicated a hit on a hot dog cart. A suspicious package was being examined by a robot.

This comes on the heels of several warnings about terrorist chatter reaching pre 9/11 levels.

"In a directive issued today (Friday), obtained by ABC News, the FBI says a posting on an extremist message board "advocated suicide attacks against sporting events as a cost-effective means of killing thousands of Americans."

Update: The suspicious package was determined to be harmless, so I guess the bomb-sniffing dog WAS just hungry this time, thankfully.

Thanks to Gateway Pundit for the reciprocal link. Welcome to Blue Crab Boulevard. Feel free to look around.