Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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14 February, 2006

Well, the MSM is up to their usual high standards

Today we have reporters and editors all over the MSM carrying on about Cheney and his hunting accident. Reporters are whining that they weren't told about the accident soon enough. Editors are whining about the dark conspiracies. The NYT really steps in it be declaring:

"The vice president appears to have behaved like a teenager who thinks that
if he keeps quiet about the wreck, no one will notice that the family car is
missing its right door."

To which one has to answer: Chappaquidick

I swear these clowns would be pathetic if they weren't so potentially dangerous.

By the way, the local sheriff's office cleared Cheney of any wrongdoing in the accident.

Update: And a lot of these jokes from TV "comedians" are frankly not very good. They really blew it by trying to get too political. They don't need to be ham handed to be funny. (And I thought my joke was 'way better, too!)