Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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19 February, 2006

Open house

The famous (Infamous?) red light district in Amsterdam has been beset recently by some image problems. Some officials have been moving to shut down or increase regulation of the area. To help persuade the public of their good intentions, the district had an open house, inviting people to come see what the district was like. They offered reduced or even free admissions to the - er - establishments, tours and some bars offered a free drink.

Below is a picture of some of the festivities. This just goes to show the sheer depravity of the area in general. This blight upon western civilization should be removed immediately. I mean, really, this is obscene.

That man is playing an ACCORDION for heaven's sake. Have you no shame?