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Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

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24 January, 2006

Yet another lemming moment

So we end up with a straight party line vote to send the Alito nomination to the full Senate. The Democrats are setting up a straight party line vote in the upper chamber. At least one Republican has tried to warn them what is coming in the future if they persist in this strategy.

Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., warned that Republicans would remember a party-line Alito
vote in future Supreme Court nominations, considering several Republicans voted
for Justices
Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who were nominated by
President Clinton.
"It is simply unrealistic to think that one party
would put itself at a disadvantage by eschewing political considerations while
the other party almost unanimously applies such considerations," Kyl said. "So I
say to my Democratic friends: Think carefully about what is being done today.
Its impact will be felt well beyond this particular nominee."

This is a crisis for the Democrats. I honestly don't think they can see what they are about to do to themselves here. If they succeed in getting a Democrat into the White House but fail to take a majority in the Senate, there will be a complete inability to get ANY judge confirmed. Do they understand?

Nope, they continue with the lemming strategy.