Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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17 January, 2006

There actually are some people on the left who are starting to get it

I don't know that the "heartland embraces" this movie is correct or not. I lost interest in this a while back. But these comments tend to show that there is some actual sanity on the left. The Democratic party would do well to listen before they run like lemmings off a cliff chasing the left wing.

I sometimes get called a "Reich winger" in comments on other sites by lefties who cannot get it through their heads that not everyone who disagrees with them is a puppet of the VRWC. And I sure don't see any convincing facts being used to argue their positions. Hate, name-calling and distortions and lies don't win arguments.

I get so sick of extremist nonsense. I don't repeat anyone's talking points or spin, I actually think about things I post. I tend to, as a friend of mine puts it, "throw the bullshit flag" on anyone I think is spinning or memeing. Left or right. But lately, it seems the worst offenders are lefties. I don't comment on one of the more right wing sites anymore since they started attracting some right wing folks with extreme positions. But I have to wear full protective gear when I look at some of the big left-wing sites. There are some totally deranged hatemongers over there. Downright toxic.

As I have said before, get a clue.