Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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26 January, 2006

Possible explanation of some internet behavior

Well, the author might be on to something here. Or at least it may be partly true. The problem, of course, is that he is making the statements, but I do not see any studies backing up his claims. Although the theory is plausible, it is not proven rigorously.

Logically, however, it is likely that it has some truth to it. I have long noticed that some people on the internet routinely engage in invective that would almost certainly result in emphatic feedback if they did it in person. In other words, they'd be on the floor sans a few teeth......

On the other hand, some people appear to be able to control themselves and remain civil even when being hounded by trolls.....

H/T - Instapundit