Blue Crab Boulevard

Summum nec metuas diem, nec optes - Martial

Location: Midwest, United States

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15 January, 2006

Executing the "old sick men"....

Yeesh. The spin on this is getting a little sickening. The "sick old man" thing avoids the fact that he is a sick old man because of the legal delays. This guy order three people killed from prison where he was already in for a life sentence. I have no sympathy for him. He should have been executed 25 years ago or so. Before he was a sick old man......

This is the quote that kind of defines it for me:

"The big crime is that he wasn't executed many years ago. Nobody ever thinks
about what the victims go through waiting. Until the sentence is carried out,
the victims -- the families of the people whose lives he took -- live this
nightmare continuously because they never know what is going to happen or when
the laws will change."

Remember the victims. Don't feel sorry for the murderer, regardless of his age.

If the people who want the death penalty stopped really want it changed, use the ballot box, not endless legal appeals and celebrity nonsense (a la Tookie). I honestly think the existing tactics are making for MORE support of the death penalty, not less. Trying to make heroes or generate sympathy for these guys doesn't work real well with average people. Most people I talk to wonder why it takes so damned long to carry out the sentences.

The tactic of trying to exonerate an already executed man a few days back really damaged your cause, too.