Blue Crab Boulevard

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Location: Midwest, United States

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31 January, 2006

Another article on immigration

As always, there are charges and countercharges. One side claims that this is just like past waves of anti-immigrant feeling in US history. Some far over on the other extreme say it's all a plan to require lost territory for Mexico.

What's the answer? Likely somewhere in the middle, as usual.

Advocating strictly for the illegals is wrong. They are, after all, breaking the law. Period. Dress it up any way you want, it's still advocating for the breaking of the law.

Advocating against based on race or culture is also wrong. Dress that up any way you want, it's still ignorance-based hatred.

I think the vast majority of Americans are somewhere in the middle. Sick of illegals being tolerated while still welcoming legal immigrants. Illegals are certainly depressing wages and living standards for the lowest economic groups. Saying they take jobs no American wants is a false premise. They may take jobs no American wants at the sort of wages employers offer to illegals, if there were no illegals, the wages would have to rise until those jobs were attractive.